Newsham, UK
Charles was a boy that grew up to become a man fighting in WW1. Charles from 93 Barforth Hall just outside of Gainford across the River Tees. Grew up with his sisters and younger brother (Jenny Colemans Father)
Father Joseph Butler 1874
Mother Sarah Ann Cole 1873
Mary Ann Cole (known as Polly) 1890 Half-sister that married Robert Tye
Sarah Ethel (known as Ethel) 1896 Married Robert Geldard
Annie Sophia (known as Annie) 1897 Married Suddady and Walton
Sylvia Emma (Emma) 1909 Married George Jackson Fletcher
Charles Abram Sept 1899
Joseph Henry (Known as Harry) 1901 Married Jane E Dimmock
Sylvia Emma (Emma) 1909 Married George Jackson Fletcher
Margaret Elsie (Elsie) 1912 Married Matthew Wren
Gainford, Richmondshire in North Yorkshire map courtesy of http://www.archiuk.com/ or Google Maps

"A" Battery
In this picture, you can see Charles Butler from the 155th RFA is stilling in the front right. We do not know who the other chaps are.
The Run away
Sept - 1939
Not much is known about Charles life in Gainford as he worked the farms but he did run away from home at the of 15 to sign up for the WW1.
He enlisted in Richmond 02 September 1917 into the 155th (West Yorkshire) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, which was a new army raised in Leeds in the West Riding of Yorkshire. His service number was issued at No.1 Depot, Newcastle in late September or early October 1917. When Charles was called up to become a gunner/ private of the A Bty (C Bty + half original A Bty) – firing 6 x 18-pounders Howitzers.

The Hundred Days Offensive
Canal du Nord 1918
War Diary entry of 1st Oct 1918 talks about the 155 Brigade RFA providing part of a barrage in support of an (unsuccessful) 32nd infantry Brigade attack on a railway line objective at 5 in the morning. The Diary notes that CB (= counter battery ) fire was heavy during the barrage. In other words the Germans located the guns that were shelling them and shelled back! This is probably when Charles was killed and he was probably one of those serving the guns at the time.

155th RFA War Diary sept 27th 1918

155th RFA War Diary sept 30th 1918

155th RFA War Diary oct 1 1918

155th RFA War Diary sept 27th 1918
Canal Du Nord Trench Map
May he be remembered
1st Oct 1918

Sauchy-Lestree was captured by the 56th (London) Division on 27 September 1918, and the cemetery was made and used by fighting units during the following five weeks. It was made by fighting units, and it contained the graves of 27 soldiers (mainly 2nd Yorkshire Regiment) and one airman from the United Kingdom and four soldiers from Canada, all of whom fell between the 26th September and the 14th October, 1918.
Charles Abram Butler now Layes at Ceemtry G.4
There were 5 people killed from "A" Battery 29/09 - 01/10/1918

War Memorial, Newsham 2

155th RFA memorial Hutton Magna St Mary's Church

Kirkby Hall memorial

War Memorial, Newsham 2
The War Memorial Newsham UK http://www.ww1-yorkshires.org.uk/html-files/newsham.htm

Charles Butler WW1 Medal CARD
Information Request
1. Who served with Charles?
2. Who are the two others in his picture?
3. Pictures of "A" Battery
My Youtube video collection that has have helped research and gain an understanding of what soldiers went through.
Battle of Cambrai, British offensive (November–December 1917) on the Western Front during World War I that marked the first large-scale, effective use of tanks in warfare.
The First Battle of Ypres, also called the First Battle of Flanders , was a First World War battle fought for the strategic town of Ypres in western Belgium in October and November 1914. The German and Western Allied attempts to secure the town from enemy occupation included a series of further battles in and around the West Flanders Belgian municipality.
Battle of the Canal du Nord
In depth documentary of the Battle for France. Incredible foot age of tanks movements and battles. lots of information about France's involvement in the war, England not wanting to get involved. Didn't Know France invasion was delayed 28 times after Holland victory.
Here is a list of weblinks and books that has helped me.
History WW1 Timeline
The Bowes Museum
Greater detail on movements and pictures - paid service
Common Wealth war Games