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1st Battalion, North Staffordshire WW1

Henry George Butler

22-09-1899 - 24-10-1918

Service number : 7713

Service: British Army WW1

Battalion: 1st Battalion

Unit: North Staffordshire 

Lance Corporal 

Fate: Killed in Action 28yrs old

Burried: Boulogne Eastern Cemetery

Home: Swamford Bulbeck

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George henry butler ww1 sign up.JPG
Swaffham Bulbeck before ww1

1891 census...Aged 3, he was at Main Street, Swaffham Bulbeck with his father Charles BUTLER [50] labourer; his mother Sarah [49] born Cambridge; brothers Frederick W [27] farm labourer, William [22] labourer, Joseph [17] farm labourer, Charles [11] and Walter [9]. All except his mother were born in Swaffham Bulbeck.


1901 census...Aged 13, he was at the "White Swan", Commercial End, Swaffham Bulbeck with his father (publican/labourer), his mother and brother Frederick (labourer)



  • Mary Ann Cole (known as Polly)       1890 Half-sister that married Robert Tye

  • Sarah Ethel (known as Ethel)            1896 Married Robert Geldard

  • Annie Sophia (known as Annie)        1897 Married Suddady and Walton

  • Sylvia Emma (Emma)                         1909 Married George Jackson Fletcher

  • Charles Abram Sept 1899

  • Joseph Henry (Known as Harry)       1901 Married Jane E Dimmock

  • Sylvia Emma (Emma)                         1909 Married George Jackson Fletcher

  • Margaret Elsie (Elsie)                         1912 Married Matthew Wren

Swaffam Bulcek old map.PNG
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The Run away 

Sept - 1939

1911 census...His medal card shows he was a regular solider, so presumably was with the Army for this census. His parents (father now a farmer/publican) were still at the White Swan, Swaffham Bulbeck, with his brothers Frederick and William, both on the farm.



He enlisted in Cambridge. His number indicates joining in 1904.
He died at No. 13 Stationary Hospital, Boulogne. With no Army record available it is not possible to identify where and when he was wounded. The battalion had suffered badly in a gas attack on the 17th at Dranouter, in Belgium.

The Cambridge Independent Press of 7th July 1916 reported:-
Swaffham Bulbeck Man Dead
The sad tidings have reached Swaffham Bulbeck of the death of Lance-Corpl.Henry George Butler, of the North Staffords, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Butler of this village. He joined the Army in October 1914 and re-joined his old Regiment on the memorable August Bank Holiday of 1914 (sic).On two occasions he has been home on leave.
About seven weeks ago he was severely wounded in the head, and was taken to a base hospital at Boulogne. After a critical operation, some hopes were entertained of his recovery. His brother, Charles Butler, visited him in hospital, and although speechless, the wounded man recognised his brother and made signs for him to take a flashlight which he had carried on the battlefield and which had been pierced by a bullet. It is gratifying to the bereaved parents and others to hear how splendidly the work of the hospital is carried out, and how devotedly the doctors and nurses work for the alleviation of the suffering and the wounded.
Lance-Corpl Butler passed away on the 25th June and was buried in the cemetery near the hospital, where many of our brave soldiers have been laid to rest, having so nobly given their lives for their Country. Lance-Corpl Butler was a first class signaller. He was a great favourite in his regiment, where he will be greatly missed.
Mr.and Mrs.Butler wish to thank all kind friends for their expressions of sympathy in their great sorrow.

The Run away
May he be remembered

Died 25 June 1916

Boulogne-sur-Mer is a large Channel port. Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, one of the town cemeteries, lies in the district of St Martin Boulogne, just beyond the eastern (Chateau) corner of the Citadel (Haute-Ville). The cemetery is a large civil cemetery, split in two by the Rue de Dringhen, just south of the main road (RN42) to St Omer. The Commonwealth War Graves plot is located down the western edge of the southern section of the cemetery, with an entrance in the Rue de Dringhen. Unusually, the headstones are laid flat in this cemetery. This is due to the sandy soil. Car parking is available along the Rue de Dringhen.

7th green howard commonwealth war grave.PNG

High Street

Swaffham Bulbeck


CB25 0HP


Charles A Battlion
War Diary

Information Request

1. Pictures of Henry George Butler?
2. Pictures of the 1st BN N Staffordshire Div?
3. War Diaries 

My Youtube video collection that has have helped research and gain an understanding of what soldiers went through. 

Meet the soldiers who survived Dunkirk and tell their stories. Also hear the veterans opinions on the New Dunkirk Movie and how it compared to the real thing.  

Armchair Historian is one of my favorite History Youtubers. Who often explains history from both sides, when we typically hear a one sided version. 

Amazing footage of Dunkirk in color from all sides of the war.

Fastest way to understand the battle of Dunkirk. Great over view video to get you caught up to speed.

In depth documentary of the Battle for France. Incredible foot age of tanks movements and battles. lots of information about France's involvement in the war, England not wanting to get involved. Didn't Know France invasion was delayed 28 times after Holland victory. 



Here is a list of weblinks and books that has helped me.

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