Find your history and create memeories.
This family history project started in mid Covid 2020, with my 94 Year old Nana Jenny Coleman who is stuck in her house in England whilst I live in the USA. Many phone calls, lots of reading, searching and connecting with people to help discover our history.
This website is dedicated to sharing our findings and to encourage others to do the same.
Join to get the latest news receive tips and tricks, and research results.

This is my family history project
1919 - 1940

My Nana Jenny Butlers Unlce, went by the name Ted. Got drafted at 20yr old into the 7th Green Howards and became best friends with my grandad Stanley Coleman. Ted was the only man killed in the 7th Green Howards at Dunkirk May 30th 1940.
Stanley Coleman - Grandad
1919 - 1986
Stanley met my Nana through her Uncle Ted. They kept in touch throughout the war whilst he served at a truck driver for the 7th Green Howards, he only missed Dunkirk battle and was in the "thick of it" he was a quite man that spoke little of the war. He went straight into work laying cables and raising a family of 3. I was never fortunate to meet such a great man.

Jenny Coleman (Butler) Nana
1928 and still rocking

A Yorkshire farmers daughter who worked the farm with other WW1 POW's, who later signed on, as a WAF to do her part in the war. Married Stanley Coleman and had three kids. Terry, Stephen and my Mum Alison being the youngest. My Nana helped raise me and my brother Graeme. I owe alot to her.
1900 - 1918
At the age of 15 Charles ran away to join the RFA (Royal Field Artillery) as a gunner for the WW1 only to die in the last month during the Hundred Days Offensive at the Canal Du Nord.

BIO - Chris Willetts
I am marketing professional family man, from England now living in the USA. With a love of history and art.
I am applying my skills to capture my family history, find new information, fill in the gaps and create exhibits of different mediums of my family history.
My goal: is to share my findings with my family, invite collaborators, encourage others to discover the own history and help them by sharing my tips and ticks I have learnt along the way.
It has been super rewarding working with my Nana, pealing back the layers to hear new memories and record them that other wise would be lost for ever.

You can fine me and my Ancestry tree by clicking the link>

lets talk!